Lecture 12:

DATA 101: Making Prediction with Data

Dr. Irene Vrbik

University of British Columbia Okanagan


  • In the last lecture we saw how we could fit the KNN classification models using tidymodels.
  • Recall: tidymodels is an R package and framework for modeling that follows the principles of the tidyverse.
  • In the upcoming lectures we will continue to work with tidymodels to tackle the regression problem
  • In other words, we focus on predicting numeric variables in contrast to previous lectures which concentrated on predicting a categorical variable (classification problem).

Similarities with Classification:

  • Regression, like classification, is a predictive problem setting where we want to use past information to predict future observations.
  • Just like in the classification setting, there are many possible methods that we can use to predict numerical response variables.
  • In this chapter we will focus on the K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm

Regression vs. Classification

Goal of Classification: predict a categorical or discrete label or class.

Example applications: spam detection, image recognition , sentiment analysis, and medical diagnosis. The output is often a class label, and the model’s objective is to assign input data points to the correct class.

Goal of Regression: predict a continuous or numeric value.

Example applications: predicting house prices based, forecasting stock prices, estimating a person’s age from facial features, and predicting a person’s income based on various factors.

Similarity of methods

While this lecture will tackle a different mode of problems, the following will be the same:

  • Data splitting into training, validation, and test sets.
  • Utilization of tidymodels workflows for a structured approach.
  • Adoption of K-nearest neighbors (KNN) for making predictions.
  • Implementation of cross-validation for hyperparameter tuning.

KNN for regression

  • Many of the concepts from classification map over to the setting of regression.
  • For example, a regression model predicts a new observation’s response variable based on the response variables for similar observations in the training set (as indicated in the nearest neighbourhood)
  • As before the best choice for the number of nearest neighbours to choose from will be determined by cross-validation (CV)


  • We will study a data set of real estate transactions originally reported in the Sacramento Bee newspaper. [Source]

  • It comprises 932 transactions in Sacramento, California over a five-day period

(sacramento <- read_csv("data/sacramento.csv"))


Motivating Question

  • Our question is again predictive: Can we use the size of a house in the Sacramento, CA area to predict its sale price?
  • A rigorous, quantitative answer to this question might help a realtor advise a client as to whether the price of a particular listing is fair, or perhaps how to set the price of a new listing.

Exploratory Data Analysis

  • For our initial exploration, let’s investigate the relationship between sqft (house size, in livable square feet) and price (house sale price, in US dollars (USD)).
  • Let’s create a scatter plot with the predictor variable (house size) on the x-axis, and we place the response variable that we want to predict (sale price) on the y-axis.
eda <- ggplot(sacramento, aes(x = sqft, y = price)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.4) +
  xlab("House size (square feet)") +
  ylab("Price (USD)") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = dollar_format()) + # add $ and ,s
  theme(text = element_text(size = 12))


  • We can see that in Sacramento, CA, as the size of a house increases, so does its sale price.
  • Thus, we can reason that we may be able to use the size of an unsold to predict its final sale price.

K-Nearest Neighbour Regression

Much like in the case of classification, we can use a K-nearest neighbors-based approach in regression to make predictions.

  1. Select the number K of the neighbors.
  2. Find the K nearest1 neighbors
  3. Compute the average price among these K neighbors

Let’s take a small sample of the data to illustrate the mechanics of KNN regression …

Random Sample

  • To take a small random sample of size 30, we’ll use the function slice_sample, and input the data frame to sample from and the number of rows to randomly select.
small_sacramento <- slice_sample(sacramento, n = 30)
  • Based on the sample data above, what would we predict the selling price of a 2000 square foot house?

Small plot

small_plot <- ggplot(small_sacramento, aes(x = sqft, y = price)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("House size (square feet)") +
  ylab("Price (USD)") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = dollar_format()) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 2000, linetype = "dotted") 

The geom_*line geoms add reference lines (sometimes called rules) to a plot, either horizontal (geom_hline), vertical (geom_vline), or diagonal (geom_abline) (specified by slope and intercept).

Nearest Neighbours

Suppose we were employing KNN regression with K = 5 (we’ll come back to this later)

(nearest_neighbors <- small_sacramento |>
  mutate(diff = abs(2000 - sqft)) |>
  slice_min(diff, n = 5))

Nearest Neighbours

small_plot + geom_segment(data = nearest_neighbors, 
                          aes(x = sqft, xend = 2000, 
                              y = price, yend = price), 
                          color = "orange")


  • We would employ intuition from the classification chapter, and use the neighboring points to the new point of interest to suggest/predict what its sale price might be.

The predicted price for a house with 2000 square footage, is the average price of it’s five nearest neighbours:

(prediction <- nearest_neighbors |>
  summarise(predicted = mean(price)))

Predicted price

small_plot + 
  geom_segment(data = nearest_neighbors, color = "orange",
               aes(x = sqft, xend = 2000, y = price, yend = price)) + 
  geom_point(data = data_frame(x = 2000, y = prediction$predicted), 
             aes(x, y), color = "red", size = 3)

Choosing K

  • As with KNN classification, in KNN regression we still have the same question of how we best choose K, the number of nearest neighbours.

  • Luckily for, the answer is the same: we use cross-validation to tune the model

  • This will provide some guidance as to the optimal choice of our tuning parameter K

Steps for fitting the model

  1. Split into training and test set
  2. Preform cross validation to determine K
  3. Retain the model with this chosen K
  4. Evaluate how we did on the test set

Training/Test set

sacramento_split <- initial_split(sacramento, prop = 0.75, strata = price)
sacramento_train <- training(sacramento_split)
sacramento_test <- testing(sacramento_split)

The above splits the data frame into 75% training and 25% test.

  • Numeric strata are binned into quartiles1
  • Hence there will be roughly the same proportion of houses in each of these four bins in both the training and testing set.

Cross Validation

  • Next, we’ll use cross-validation to choose K

  • In KNN classification, we used accuracy to see how well our predictions matched the true labels.

  • We cannot use the same metric in the regression setting, since our predictions will almost never exactly match the true response variable values.

  • Therefore in the context of KNN regression we will need a different metric …


For KNN regression the evaluation metric that we will use to quantify the performance of the model is the root mean square prediction error (RMSPE) given by:

\[\begin{equation} \text{RMSPE} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2} \end{equation}\]
  • \(n\) is the number of observations,

  • \(y_i\) is the observed value for the \(i^{th}\) observation, and

  • \(\hat y_i\) is the forecasted/predicted value for the \(i^{th}\) observation.

Note that this is computed over unseen data points (either our test or validation set)


  • If the predictions are very close to the true values, then RMSPE will be small.
  • If, on the other-hand, the predictions are very different from the true values, then RMSPE will be quite large.
  • When we use cross-validation, we will choose the K that gives us the smallest RMSPE.

Terminology Alert

You textbook makes the distinction between calculating this metric on the training set, vs a testing/validation set (aka out-of-sample predictions)

Prediction error on the test/validation set: \[\begin{equation} \text{RMSPE} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2} \end{equation}\] where \(\hat y_i\) our out-of-sample predictions.

The prediction error on the training set: \[\begin{equation} \text{RMSPE} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2} \end{equation}\] where \(\hat y_i\) our in-sample predictions.


Many places use RMSE for both, and rely on context to denote which data the root mean squared error is being calculated on.


First, we will create a recipe for preprocessing our data.

sacr_recipe <- recipe(price ~ sqft, data = sacramento_train) |>
  step_scale(all_predictors()) |>

This will normalize our predictor to have a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1.


Note that we include standardization in our preprocessing to build good habits, but since we only have one predictor, it is technically not necessary; there is no risk of comparing two predictors of different scales.

Model Specification

Next we create a model specification for K-nearest neighbors regression.

sacr_spec <- nearest_neighbor(weight_func = "rectangular", 
                              neighbors = tune()) |>
  set_engine("kknn") |>

Note that we use set_mode("regression") now in the model specification to denote a regression problem, as opposed to the classification problem.

Cross Validation Workflow

Then we create a cross-validation object (we will use 5-fold), and put the recipe (sacr_recipe) and model specification (sacr_spec) together using workflow().

sacr_vfold <- vfold_cv(sacramento_train, v = 5, strata = price)

sacr_wkflw <- workflow() |>
  add_recipe(sacr_recipe) |>


Cross Validation Workflow

══ Workflow ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
Preprocessor: Recipe
Model: nearest_neighbor()

── Preprocessor ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2 Recipe Steps

• step_scale()
• step_center()

── Model ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
K-Nearest Neighbor Model Specification (regression)

Main Arguments:
  neighbors = tune()
  weight_func = rectangular

Computational engine: kknn 

CV grid

  • Next we run CV for a grid of candidate values for K
  • While K could be any integer from 1 to 698 (number of observations in our training set), we will thin out this vector and try every third number ranging from 1 to 200.
gridvals <- tibble(neighbors = seq(from = 1, to = 200, by = 3))

sacr_results <- sacr_wkflw |>
  tune_grid(resamples = sacr_vfold, grid = gridvals) |>
  collect_metrics() |>
  filter(.metric == "rmse")

# show the results

CV grid

CV plot

rmspe_vs_k <- ggplot(sacr_results, aes(x = neighbors, y = mean)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  labs(x = "Number of Nearest Neighbors (K)", y = "RMSPE Estimate") 


Best K

Since it’s a little bit hard to tell on the plot where the minimum lies, let’s find automate it:

# show only the row of minimum RMSPE
sacr_min <- sacr_results |>
  filter(mean == min(mean))


CV plot

rmspe_vs_k + geom_vline(xintercept = sacr_min$neighbors, linetype = "dotted") +
  geom_text(aes(x = sacr_min$neighbors, y = 100000, label = paste("K =", sacr_min$neighbors)))

The smallest RMSPE occurs when K = 31

Bad Ks

  • As in the classification setting, if we choose a K that is too small (e.g. K = 4) we would expect the error of our model to go up.

  • Similarly, if we choose a value of K that is too big (e.g. K = 200) we would expect the error of our model to go up.

  • Let’s visualizes the effect of different settings of the number of neighbors on the regression model …

K too small

The predicted values for house sale price for a KNN regression model fitted on the training data with K = 1 (left) and K = 3 (right).


  • In general, when K is too small, the model captures the noise and random fluctuations in the training data, rather than the underlying patterns and trends.
  • In other words, the line follows the training data too closely.
  • This leads to poor predictive performance on new data because the model has essentially memorized the training data rather than learning the underlying relationships.
  • This behavior—where the model fits the training data extremely closely but doesn’t generalize well to unseen or new data—is called overfitting

K too big

The predicted values for house sale price for a KNN regression model fitted on the training data with K = 250 (left) and K = 380 (right).


  • In general, when K is too large, the model is not influenced enough by the training data!
  • In other words this model is not flexible enough to capture the underlying patterns in the data
  • This results in poor performance both on the training data and on new, unseen data.
  • This behavior—when a model is too simplistic to capture the underlying patterns in the data—is called underfitting

Sweet spot

  • Ideally, what we want is neither of the two situations discussed above. Instead, we would like a model that

    • follows the overall “trend” in the training data, so the model actually uses the training data to learn something useful, and
    • does not follow the noisy fluctuations, so that we can be confident that our model will transfer/generalize well to other new data.

We can see that other values for K achieves this goal \(\dots\)

Optimal K

The predicted values for house sale price for a KNN regression model fitted on the training data with K = 37 (left) and K = 41 (right).

Our best model

  • Let’s explore the fit which our CV deemed best

  • Note that our best K is slightly different than the textbook since we are not using the same seed!

  • To do this, we will first re-train our KNN regression model on the entire training data set, using
    K= 31 neighbors.

Retraining the model

kmin <- sacr_min |> pull(neighbors)

sacr_spec <- nearest_neighbor(weight_func = "rectangular", 
                              neighbors = kmin) |>
  set_engine("kknn") |>

sacr_fit <- workflow() |>
  add_recipe(sacr_recipe) |>
  add_model(sacr_spec) |>
  fit(data = sacramento_train)

Evaluate our model on the test set

To quantify the performance of our fitted model we compute its RMSPE on the test data.

sacr_summary <- sacr_fit |>
  predict(sacramento_test) |>
  bind_cols(sacramento_test) |>
  metrics(truth = price, estimate = .pred) |>
  filter(.metric == 'rmse')



  • Our final model’s test error as assessed by RMSPE is $86813.53 (this measured in the same units as the response variable).
  • In other words, on new observations, we expect the error in our prediction to be roughly $86813.53.
  • In this application, this error is not prohibitively large, but it is not negligible either; $86813.53 might represent a substantial fraction of a home buyer’s budget.

Predictions of our fitted model

  • The following code calculates the predictions that our final model makes across the range of house sizes we might encounter in the Sacramento area (roughly 500 to 5000 square feet).

  • As a coding challenge, go through this code on your own time to reproduce the plot

# range of plausible house sizes 
sqft_prediction_grid <- tibble(
    sqft = seq(
        from = sacramento |> select(sqft) |> min(),
        to = sacramento |> select(sqft) |> max(),
        by = 10

# predicted price of these hypothetical houses
sacr_preds <- sacr_fit |>
  predict(sqft_prediction_grid) |>

# scatter plot of price vs. square footage
plot_final <- ggplot(sacramento, aes(x = sqft, y = price)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.4) +
  # superimpose prediction line 
  geom_line(data = sacr_preds, 
            mapping = aes(x = sqft, y = .pred), 
            color = "blue") +
  xlab("House size (square feet)") +
  ylab("Price (USD)") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = dollar_format()) +
  ggtitle(paste0("K = ", kmin)) + 
  theme(text = element_text(size = 12))


Predictions of our fitted model

Predicted values of house price (blue line) for the final KNN regression model.

Multivariable KNN

  • For both KNN classification and KNN regression we can use multiple predictors in our model.

  • For instance, the number of bedrooms (beds) and bathrooms (baths) may prove to be useful predictors in determining the selling price (price).

  • We can very easily adjust our code to include more than one predictor.



Having more predictors is not always better

  • To demo multivariate KNN we we will use house size (measured in square feet) as well as number of bedrooms as our predictors.
  • If we want to compare this multivariable KNN regression model to the model with only a single predictor, then we can compare the accuracy estimated using only the training data via cross-validation.

EDA bedrooms

plot_beds <- sacramento |>
  ggplot(aes(x = beds, y = price)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.4) + 
  labs(x = 'Number of Bedrooms', y = 'Price (USD)') + 
  theme(text = element_text(size = 12))

Recipe + Specfication

sacr_recipe <- recipe(price ~ sqft + beds, data = sacramento_train) |>
  step_scale(all_predictors()) |>
sacr_spec <- nearest_neighbor(weight_func = "rectangular", 
                              neighbors = tune()) |>
  set_engine("kknn") |>

CV for choosing K

gridvals <- tibble(neighbors = seq(1, 200))

sacr_multi <- workflow() |>
  add_recipe(sacr_recipe) |>
  add_model(sacr_spec) |>
  tune_grid(sacr_vfold, grid = gridvals) |>
  collect_metrics() |>
  filter(.metric == "rmse") |>
  filter(mean == min(mean))

sacr_k <- sacr_multi |> pull(neighbors)


Multivariate KNN results

  • Here we see that the smallest estimated RMSPE from cross-validation occurs when K = 10
  • Looking back, the estimated cross-validation accuracy for the single-predictor model was $86813.53,227.
  • The estimated cross-validation accuracy for the multivariable model is $85034.51.
  • Thus in this case, we did not improve the model by a large amount by adding this additional predictor.