Lecture 6: Data Wrangling: Part 2

DATA 101: Making Prediction with Data

Dr. Irene Vrbik

University of British Columbia Okanagan


In today’s lecture we’ll be look


  • As discussed previously, the process of preparing your data for analysis is often a tedious and long process.
  • Therefore any tools and tricks we can obtain to facilitate this process will be worth the investiment of time and energy.
  • Last class we started using the dplyr package—a core package from —for managing data.
  • Today we will take advantage of another core package from tidyverse called tidyr.


The goal of tidyr is to help you create “tidy” data wherein:

  • each row is a single observation,


The goal of tidyr is to help you create “tidy” data wherein:

  • each row is a single observation,
  • each variable is a single column, and
columns = variables


The goal of tidyr is to help you create “tidy” data wherein:

  • each row is a single observation,
  • each variable is a single column, and
  • each single cell contains a single value

Pivoting Data

  • “Pivoting” data, in the context of data wrangling, refers to the process of reorganizing or restructuring a dataset from a long format to a wide format or vice versa.

  • This transformation involves changing the arrangement of the data to make it more suitable for downstream analysis.

  • There are typically two types of pivoting:

    1. Pivoting from Long to Wide Data
    2. Pivoting from Wide to Long Data

Wide data

  • Wide data format is characterized by having many columns and fewer rows.

  • This format can make it easy to read and understand the data, especially when when you have data with a small number of observations but a large number of variables.

  • However, wide data can be less suitable for certain types of analysis and visualization, particularly when you want to perform aggregations, comparisons, or create certain types of plots.

Long data

  • Long data format is characterized by having fewer columns and more rows. It’s often used to represent data with repeated measures or observations over time or categories.

  • In long data, variables are typically stacked into a single column, and an additional column is used to indicate the context or category to which each observation belongs.

  • This format is often preferred for data analysis, modeling, and certain types of visualizations, as it’s more amenable to aggregation and summarization.


Example of wide data:
ID Year level_1 level_2 level_3
1 2010 10 20 30
2 2011 15 25 35
3 2012 12 22 32

Going from the left table to the right table is pivoting from wide to long.

Example of long data:
ID Year Variable Value
1 2010 level_1 10
1 2010 level_2 20
1 2010 level_3 30
2 2011 level_1 15
2 2011 level_2 25
2 2011 level_3 35
3 2012 level_1 12
3 2012 level_2 22
3 2012 level_3 32

Source: Figure 3.7 from DS book: Pivoting data from a wide to long data format.

Problems the wide table

  • While the wide table is easy to for humans to read it difficult to work with when performing analysis using R.

    • e.g. if we wanted to find the latest year we would have to extract the column names, store them to a vector, coerce to dates, then apply a function like max().
  • The problem only gets worse if you would like to find the value for the population for a given region for the latest year.

  • Furthermore, we don’t know what the numbers under each year actually represent.

Functions for pivoting

  • It is worth mentioning that there is a modern and outdated way of doing this.
  • Both use tidyr functions to transform data between long and wide but the newer functions are recommended.

Old function:

  • gather()
  • spread()

New functions:

  • pivot_longer()
  • pivot_wider()

Pivoting rom wide to long

Example: cases

# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("rstudio/EDAWR")


  • The gather() function is used to pivot data from a wide format into a long format.

  • This functions work with key-value pairs.

    • Key: the column names in the original wide dataset that you want to stack or gather into a single column.

    • Value: the data in the cells corresponding to the key columns.

Adapted from Source: Figure 3.7 from DS book


The general syntax for gather:

gather(data, key = "year", value = "population", ...)
  • data a data frame you want to clean
  • key name of new key column (character string)
  • value name of the new value column (character string)
  • ... a selection of columns to collapse (e.g. 2:4)

gather(cases, "year", "n", 2:4)


  • If you look at the help file for gather() will notice that it says that the lifecycle is superseded which is just a softer version of depreciated.

  • A superseded function has a known better alternative, but the function itself is not going away.

  • A superseded function will not emit a warning (since there’s no risk if you keep using it), but the documentation will tell you what is recommend instead.

Out with the old, in with the new

Development on gather() is complete, and for new code we recommend switching to pivot_longer(), which is easier to use, more featureful, and still under active development.

gather(df, "key", "value", x, y, z)

is equivalent to

pivot_longer(df, c(x, y, z), names_to = "key", values_to = "value")


  • pivot_longer() makes datasets longer by increasing the number of rows and decreasing the number of columns.

  • pivot_longer() is commonly needed to tidy raw datasets as they often optimise for ease of data entry or ease of comparison rather than ease of analysis.

  • The inverse transformation is pivot_wider()


pivot_longer(data, cols, names_to = "name", values_to = "value", ...)
  • data a data frame to pivot.
  • cols <tidy-select> columns to pivot into longer format
  • names_to A character vector specifying the new column or columns to create from the information stored in the column names of data specified by cols.
  • values_to a string specifying the name of the column to create from the data stored in cell values
  • ... Additional arguments passed on to methods.

Example revisited

1  cases,
2  cols = 2:4,
3  names_to = "year",
4  values_to = "n"
) # output on next slide ...
data set we want to reshape
columns we want to combine
“year” the name of the column to be created (the values will come from the names of the columns we want to combine)
“n” is the name of the column to be created (the values will come from the values of the columns we want to combine)

Example revisited

Pivoting from long to wide


  • Suppose we have observations spread across multiple rows rather than in a single row.

  • pivot_wider() is the opposite of pivot_longer(): it makes a dataset wider by increasing the number of columns and decreasing the number of rows.

  • pivot_longer() takes a set of columns and pivots them into two columns: one for variable names one for values.

  • pivot_wider() takes key-value pairs and spreads them into multiple columns based on the unique values in the key column.

Sourced from Fig 3.10 of DS book

Problems with long table

  • This data is not “tidy”1

  • Observation (here, population, commuter, and incorporated values for a region) is split across three rows.

  • Using data in this format—where two or more variables are mixed together in a single column—makes it harder to apply many usual tidyverse functions.

    • e.g. to find the maximum number of commuters would require an additional step of filtering for the commuter values before the maximum can be computed.


This function generally increases the number of columns (widens) and decreases the number of rows in a data set.

pivot_wider(data, ...,
  names_from = name,
  values_from = value
  • data a data frame to pivot
  • additional arguments passed on to methods
  • names_from / values_from : <tidy-select> a pair of arguments describing which column(s) to get the name of the output column (names_from), and which column(s) to get the cell values from (values_from).

Example: pollution

data(pollution); pollution

Example: pollution

1  pollution,
2  names_from = "size",
3  values_from = "amount"
) # output on next slide
data set we want to reshape
name of the column from which to take the variable names
name of the column from which to take the values

Example: pollution


  • Another handy tidyr is separate()

  • It is used to split a single column of data that contains multiple values separated by a delimiter into multiple columns

  • You specify the delimiter or separator that separates the values within the original column as a regular expression or numeric locations


This function uses the following basic syntax:

separate(data, col, into, sep)


  • data: Name of the data frame
  • col: Name of the column to separate
  • into: Vector of names for the column to be separated into
  • sep: The value to separate the column at

Example 1

ex1 <- data.frame(player=c('A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'),
                 year=c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2),
                 stats=c('22-2', '29-3', '18-6', '11-8', '12-5', '19-2'))

The delimiter in this case is the hyphen -

Goal: separate the stats column into two new columns called “points” and “assists” as follows:

1  ex1,
2  col=stats,
3  into=c("points", "assists"),
4  sep='-'
the data set we want to reshape
the name of the column we need to split
a character vector of the new column names we would like to put the split data into
the separator on which to split


  • The data is now tidy; however, we aren’t done yet!
  • Notice data type of each column is character (<chr>). - Because of the delimiter (-) R read these columns in as character types, and by default, separate() will return columns as character data types.
  • Fortunately, the separate() function can convert these to the appropriate data type.


separate(ex1, col=stats, into=c("points", "assists"), sep='-', 
         convert = TRUE)

Now we can see they are being converted to integers

group_by and summarize

Last lecture we saw how we can combine summarize() and group_by() to summarize values for subgroups within a data set.

Sourced from Fig 3.16 of DS book

Example: chicago

chicago <- readRDS("data/chicago.rds")
chicago %>% 
  mutate(tempcat = factor(tmpd >80, labels=c("cold","hot"))) %>% 
  group_by(tempcat) %>%
  summarize(pm25tmean2 = mean(pm25tmean2, na.rm = TRUE))

across and summarize

Now we’ll see how we can use the summarize() function across many columns.

Sourced from Fig 3.17 of DS book


summarize + across

  • To summarize statistics across many columns, we can use the summarize() and across() functions from the dplyr package.

  • The summarize(across(...)) function combination allows you to apply a summary function across multiple columns of a data frame or tibble.

  • To do this more efficiently, we can pair summarize() with across and use a colon : to specify a range of columns we would like to perform the statistical summaries on.


summarize(df, across(.cols, .fns))

chicago |>
  summarize(across(pm25tmean2:no2tmean2, max))
  • Notice how the max() summary function return NAs for two of the columns
  • This is because when we apply the max summary function to columns that contain NAs
  • To resolve this issue, again we need to add the argument na.rm = TRUE

imax <- function(x) max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
chicago |>
  summarize(across(pm25tmean2:no2tmean2, imax))

To avoid creating a user-defined function, we could instead create an anonymous function

Anonymous functions

  • Anonymous functions, also known as lambda functions or inline functions, are used when you want to define a small, unnamed function for a specific task without formally creating a named function using function().

  • In purrr, you can create anonymous functions using the tilde (~) operator.

  • For unary1 functions, ~ .x + 1 is equivalent to function(.x) .x + 1.

Example revisited

chicago |>
  summarize(across(pm25tmean2:no2tmean2, ~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))

Anonymous function:

~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE) # same as imax
imax <- function(.x) {
  max(.x, na.rm = TRUE))


  • An alternative to summarize and across for applying a function to many columns is the map family of functions.

  • Let’s again redo the previous example, but using map with the max function this time.

  • More generally, the map() function in the purrr package is used for applying a function to each element of a list or vector and returning a new list.


The general syntax for map() is

map(.x, .f, ...)
  • .x an object (a vector, data frame or list) that you want to iterate over

  • .f the function you would like to apply to each element

⚠️ There is no argument to specify which columns to apply the function to; it will simply apply the function to each column (resp. element) of the dataframe (resp. list/vector)

Example re-revisited

chicago |>
  select(pm25tmean2:no2tmean2) |>
  map(~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE))
[1] 61.5

[1] 365

[1] 66.5875

[1] 62.47998

map output type

  • You’ll notice that the output of the map() function is a list.

  • While we could convert this to a data frame, a simpler alternative is to use a different map() function; see ?map.

Commonly used map functions and their output type.
map function Output
map list
map_lgl logical vector
map_int integer vector
map_dbl double vector
map_chr character vector
map_dfc data frame, combining column-wise
map_dfr data frame, combining row-wise


chicago |>
  select(pm25tmean2:no2tmean2) |>
    map_dfr(~ max(.x, na.rm = TRUE))

This returns a data frame rather than a list which is perhaps more desirable.

Apply across columns

Sometimes we need to apply a function to many columns in a data frame.

Sourced from Fig 3.18 of DS book


Suppose we want to scale multiple columns (say the pm25tmean2 to the no2tmean2 column) from the chicago data set.

chicago |>
   mutate(across(pm25tmean2:no2tmean2, scale))

To accomplish such a task, we can use mutate paired with across.

Apply across rows

Sometimes we need to apply a function across columns but within one row:

Sourced from Fig 3.19 from DS book


For instance, suppose we want to know the maximum value between pm25tmean2, pm10tmean2, o3tmean2 and no2tmean2 for each record in the chicago data set.

# output on next slide

chicago |> 
  select(pm25tmean2:no2tmean2) |>
   rowwise() |> 
   mutate(maximum = max(c(pm25tmean2, 
                         no2tmean2), na.rm=TRUE))



  • In addition to these tidyverse functions we also have a handy base R function called apply()

  • apply() is primarily used for applying a function to the rows or columns of a matrix or array. It is not designed for use with lists or other data structures.

  • You specify whether you want to apply the function to rows (MARGIN = 1), columns (MARGIN = 2), or both (MARGIN = c(1, 2)).


apply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE)
  • X an array, including a matrix.
  • MARGIN a vector giving the subscripts which the function will be applied over. E.g., for a matrix 1 indicates rows, 2 indicates columns, c(1, 2) indicates rows and columns. Where X has named dimnames, it can be a character vector selecting dimension names.
  • FUN the function to be applied.
  • ... optional arguments to FUN.
  • simplify a logical indicating whether results should be simplified if possible.

A simply example

# Using apply to calculate the sum of columns in a matrix
(mat <- matrix(1:6, ncol = 2))
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    4
[2,]    2    5
[3,]    3    6
apply(mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = scale) # applies to columns
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]   -1   -1
[2,]    0    0
[3,]    1    1
apply(mat, MARGIN = 1, FUN = max) # applies to rows
[1] 4 5 6


Table 3.4: Summary of wrangling functions (Source: Section 3.12 of DS book)
Function Description
across() allows you to apply function(s) to multiple columns
filter() subsets rows of a data frame
group_by() allows you to apply function(s) to groups of rows
mutate() adds or modifies columns in a data frame
map() general iteration function
pivot_longer() makes the data frame longer and narrower
pivot_wider() makes a data frame wider and decreases the number of rows
rowwise() applies functions across columns within one row
separate() splits up a character column into multiple columns
select() subsets columns of a data frame
summarize() calculates summaries of inputs